Stalemates.....Power up on the EXP
2008.Sep.04, 02:10 AM
Post: #9
Kill the thread.....

Obama's balls, your chin...............Suckers..........Duped again.
Benders face, my ass....................Sucker Dupe

Messages In This Thread
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.03, 09:10 PM
[] - randomjacker - 2008.Sep.03, 09:12 PM
[] - Loki - 2008.Sep.03, 09:14 PM
[] - w00k - 2008.Sep.03, 09:16 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Sep.03, 09:18 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.03, 09:19 PM
[] - grabtindy - 2008.Sep.03, 09:36 PM
[] - hardasgranite - 2008.Sep.04 02:10 AM
[] - grabtindy - 2008.Sep.04, 07:57 AM
[] - BlitzKrieg - 2008.Sep.04, 09:20 AM