weapon price info
2008.Sep.02, 11:49 PM
weapon price info
Post: #1
is weapon price a god determination of its strength/ability in battle? i.e the most expensive weapon is the best weapon? (im talkin about weapon status info price not player made up item market price)

for example the ionized razorflail is 1mil making it the most expensive melee weapons.. does that mean its also then teh best melee weapon? i mean wouldnt make much logical sense to have an expensive weapon that was inferior to a cheaper one otherwise why the cost, right?

Messages In This Thread
[] - Hiei008 - 2008.Sep.03, 12:57 PM
weapon price info - Hiei008 - 2008.Sep.02 11:49 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.03, 03:52 AM
[] - Hiei008 - 2008.Sep.03, 12:13 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.03, 12:22 PM
[] - Hiei008 - 2008.Sep.03, 12:42 PM
[] - ZeonOne - 2008.Sep.03, 12:48 PM
[] - ZeonOne - 2008.Sep.03, 01:06 PM