First Awakened lands official martial court case
2007.Jan.29, 03:28 AM
First Awakened lands official martial court case
Post: #1
Today, at 12:06 am (server time) began the first ever court martial case for high treason. The case was presented as this:

The accused, Riot [3835] was facing the charge of high treason and extortion against his own gang family, the Marvel heroes family. This morning, he hired the Elders to hit on the Marvel heroes, because it's fun, to quote his own words. We then came to an agreement to stop the hits and to get him in our mid gang after he tried to get into our other gangs for over 3 weeks. After being accepted in the said gang, he then contacted another member of this community to hit on all of us and even more once again.

After hearing both parties (let it be known that the accused refused to talk for his own defense) for over 3 minutes, the jury and judge (me in both case) decided he was guilty of high treason, extortion (he collected the money or part of the money that was paid to the hitman to stop his attack and deliver his name to us), lies and being unreasonable against his own gangs.

The penalty for such acts and crimes are set to the maximum; to be hospitalized by other members of the said gangs without a chance to get out for more than 1 minute until the fine, of 400 000$, is paid.

The executioners named for the task are:
The whole Marvel family and any other friend(s) to the family that wants to let him know that this game is based on fun and trust and to teach him, and every1 else that would think of doing such things in the future, that such crimes will not be tolerated.

Everyone is welcome to post their thoughts on the subject and/or post if they want to participate in executing the sentence.
Thread Closed

Messages In This Thread
First Awakened lands official martial court case - Thor - 2007.Jan.29 03:28 AM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Jan.29, 03:53 AM
[] - ftcumstein - 2007.Jan.29, 05:30 AM
[] - noblebandit - 2007.Jan.29, 05:35 AM
[] - hawk187 - 2007.Jan.29, 05:59 AM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Jan.29, 06:35 AM
[] - mastergasket - 2007.Jan.29, 09:33 AM
[] - hawk187 - 2007.Jan.29, 09:41 AM
[] - Druchii - 2007.Jan.29, 10:24 AM
[] - mastergasket - 2007.Jan.29, 10:48 AM
[] - Druchii - 2007.Jan.29, 10:54 AM
[] - jlabrasseur - 2007.Jan.29, 12:08 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jan.29, 12:12 PM
[] - playajam - 2007.Jan.29, 12:46 PM
[] - jlabrasseur - 2007.Jan.29, 12:54 PM
[] - Druchii - 2007.Jan.29, 01:21 PM
[] - jlabrasseur - 2007.Jan.29, 01:37 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jan.29, 01:55 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Jan.29, 05:46 PM