In Peace...
2007.Jan.18, 08:04 PM
In Peace...
Post: #1
I just wanted to state that my grandfather of 90 years passed away today at the ripe old age of 90. He was a war veteran and hard worker who loved his family and friends no matter what stupid things they did in life. He also was a prankster and known for this dry-wit with a slow country drawl. A humble man loved by many. May he rest in peace.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin

Messages In This Thread
In Peace... - zenith - 2007.Jan.18 08:04 PM
[] - oddjob - 2007.Jan.18, 08:15 PM
[] - LeftyTroll - 2007.Jan.18, 09:03 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Jan.18, 09:40 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Jan.19, 03:22 AM
[] - TheGeek - 2007.Jan.19, 05:31 AM
[] - Dracon - 2007.Jan.19, 07:28 AM