Skill building Tips from Seven Laws!
2008.Aug.24, 11:44 AM
Skill building Tips from Seven Laws!
Post: #1
NEW UPDATE: Nov 6th, 2008

NOTE: This is an estimate calculation based on a daily play over a peirod of 6 months.

The more accuracate picture of how much damage each level of skill is here.

With the increased in 1 weapon skill, the total damage increase per level is about 5 to 10 damage average per hit after considering the increase of accuracy, critical hit, and damage.

Example: If you hit 10 hit and each hit give you an addition of 8 damage with 1 skill, your total damage will be increased by 80 overall.

Myth Breaker:
"Five level of Skill = Double the damage" does not apply to you 90% of the time.

How is this accomplished?

When Player A is a level 20 player that can only dealt a 168 damage to level 30 player with better equipment, 5 skills level would increase the damage enough to make it seems like the total damage output has been doubled!

It comes down to this:

The weaker your weapon, the easier to do double damage.
The stronger your weapon, the more skills are needed to do double damage.

There are many factor involve in skills. Basically, the higher your weapon skill rank, the more damage you can do.

Now back to the original Post.

For those new player who just started the game, this is the moment for you to choose your destiny.

As you might not know, Skill is a essential element in the awakenedlands. It can increase your damage, accuracy, and critical hit against your opponent. Or, do some insane damage against other's hideout in a gang war!

The down side is, once you place your precious hour into a skill. You are stuck.

How do you want to build your skill?

These are THREE types of build that I will post here.

1) Weapon Specialist
This is a specialist for one specific weapon type. You throw all the point into one weapon skill to gain the unlimited potential for a weapon.

2) Weapon Sage
You can switch your weapon any time you want without any penalty. How do you do it? Do not work on any weapon skill! Focus on Defensive Skill. There are many new UNKNOWN weapon out there. If you do not want to get stuck to one type of weapon. Choose this.

Evasive and Critical are two of the most important skills in the defensive category. Choose wisely.

For those who wondered, weapon damage can be increased by stats.

3) Hideout Specialist
If you are interested in war, focusing your point into skill such as Military Assault will greatly increase your damage against other hideout.

For those who wondered, hideout damage can be increased by weapon.

NOTE: The Rank of your Skill is limited by your intelligent level.

More insider tips are ONLY available in 7Laws.


Messages In This Thread
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