Crimes experience
2007.Jan.08, 07:37 PM
Crimes experience
Post: #1
Is there some kind of bug or am I the only 1 that finds it weird that crimes using 16 and 18 AP gives more exp than crimes using 22?

What I mean is that when I do a complex meth lab, I get between ~800 and 1200$ (rounded average) and between ~ 20 and 30 exp (most I remember seeing was like 37 when I was level 16) but when I steal cars using the 16 or 18 ap crimes, I get between ~ 30 and 45 exp AND I get less money (~300-750$).

Shouldn't exp gained from crimes be based on the AP used and difficulty of them? It's a damn lot more harder (or more expensive) to raise your intelligence to do drugs then to raise your dex to steal cars, no?

Any other thoughts on the subject anyone?

Messages In This Thread
Crimes experience - Thor - 2007.Jan.08 07:37 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Jan.08, 08:41 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jan.08, 09:11 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Jan.08, 09:35 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Jan.09, 02:54 AM