Same IP Challenge
2008.Aug.05, 03:12 AM
IP Challenge
Post: #6
Have a problem trying to buy an item from a friend of mine while on my lap top here at their home. Due to the wireless connection on my lap top we seem to have shared a same IP address even though we have two separate accounts (one for her and one for myself) I can log in on another wireless provider with a different IP address and still not able to buy or receive items/cash from my friend on this game as well since the first time I logged in from my friends home. Is there anything that can be done to where we can help each other out on here without having the IP Error?

Messages In This Thread
Same IP Challenge - vInDicaTed - 2008.Jul.02, 12:45 PM
[] - vInDicaTed - 2008.Jul.02, 12:48 PM
[] - ZeonOne - 2008.Jul.02, 02:34 PM
[] - Thor - 2008.Jul.02, 09:40 PM
[] - vInDicaTed - 2008.Jul.05, 02:41 PM
IP Challenge - WraithBloodson - 2008.Aug.05 03:12 AM
Re: IP Challenge - mudpies - 2008.Aug.05, 06:25 AM