Gang Options
2007.Jan.06, 02:27 PM
Re: Gang Options
Post: #3
I like most of these ideas. Here are my thoughts on each...

zenith Wrote:[*]Mercenary Hiring - Invoking this option would give a gang a 6-hour period of attack bonuses. If everyone in the gang is hospitalized at the same time, the mercenaries disband.

6 hours seems like a long time, but I like the idea. Maybe 3 hours would be better, I don't know.

zenith Wrote:[*]Fortify Position - This option would increase the defenses of a gang in one particular district. Gang members entering another district while the fortification is up would lose this bonus, and slightly decrease the bonus for those still fortified until they return. This bonus would last 6 hours. If everyone in the gang is sent to the hospital (and/or jail) at the same time, the fortified area is eliminated.

I also don't think the fortified gang should be able to attack. If you are fortifying your position you are being defensive, and shouldn't be allowed to be offensive. If anyone does attack, I think the fortification should be lost.

zenith Wrote:[*]Call for Back-up - This short duration boost will increase the overall effectiveness of a gang in combat, but will only last until the first member of the gang falls in combat.

I think this should be something a player can do. For instance, say a weaker player wants to hit a stronger player in another gang. They can call for backup (at a cost, of course) and it will increase their stats for that combat.

zenith Wrote:[*]Bum-Rush - This tactic would last until the next refresh (every 5 minutes), but everyone in the gang gets vastly improved attack ratings with a defense decrease.

I like this one. This would be great for a gang who can really organize it's members and organize some attacks.

zenith Wrote:[*]Gang Hero - This option sets one player up as a hero until the next refresh (every 5 minutes). This player's attack abilities are greatly increased, but only last a short period. All members must refrain from attacking while the hero is activated or else the hero bonuses disappear.

Seems like a good idea but I am not sure how much of a benefit it would really be.

zenith Wrote:[*]Guerilla Tactics - This option keeps attackers on their toes. When a player gets attacked, any gang members in the same area are randomly sent to other areas of the city. This will require the attackers to hunt the players down for the next attack. This option would only move players to areas they can access however, so anyone in a gang must be at least level 3 to benefit. Lasts 6 hours.

6 hours of guys get randomly moved for free doesn't seem fair to me. The attacking gang will need to spend thousands to find them, while the defending gang gets to move for free. I guess this would have to be really, really expensive to make it fair. Also, how often will they get moved?

zenith Wrote:[*]Medic - This option heals all gang members to 100% hit points.

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zenith Wrote:[*]Doc - This option gets everyone in the gang out of the hospital and heals them to full hit points.

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zenith Wrote:[*]Protection Racket - This option would protect another player from being attacked by surrounding them with bodyguards. This lasts up to 10 refreshes minus the amount of times they are attacked in that timespan by the warring gang. Only one gang member at a time can have this enabled, and they are not able to attack (or else the protection is eliminated). Attackers gain some experience from attacking and eliminated one of the protectors. This bonus has the ability to last an entire war (ends when one surrenders) or last a few minutes (as the other gang uses energy to eliminate all bodyguards).

Hmm, not sure I understand this. So if a guy has a 10 bodyguards, let's say, does someone have to beat him 11 times just to get 1 respect? Basically beat the 10 bodyguards then the guy?

Messages In This Thread
Gang Options - zenith - 2007.Jan.06, 01:57 PM
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Re: Gang Options - Chris Mangano - 2007.Jan.06 02:27 PM
Re: Gang Options - zenith - 2007.Jan.06, 03:03 PM
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