This is how you get up in the game.
2006.Dec.21, 09:20 AM
Post: #2
I believe you are right on. But I think they need to restructure the attacking! I know I've gone into the patheon and looked and had better stats than some of the people attacking me and have decient weapon and armor yet still they defeat me! IMO it needs to have little bit more emphasis on the stats or else why even train.

(sorry for the misspellings) :o

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin

Messages In This Thread
[] - Eaglefreak - 2006.Dec.21 09:20 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Dec.21, 09:40 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Dec.21, 09:49 AM
[] - i8kevin - 2006.Dec.21, 09:55 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Dec.21, 10:05 AM
[] - i8kevin - 2006.Dec.21, 10:18 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2006.Dec.21, 11:38 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Dec.21, 11:44 AM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Dec.21, 12:28 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Dec.21, 12:29 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2006.Dec.21, 12:42 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Dec.21, 01:24 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Dec.21, 01:25 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2006.Dec.21, 02:43 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Dec.21, 02:58 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Dec.21, 06:12 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Dec.21, 07:01 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Dec.21, 07:17 PM