This referral link is Stealth!
2008.Jul.03, 10:40 AM
Post: #3

Some thing like the above, perhaps? Instead of having the identifier in a variable, at the end of the URL, have the identifier nested some where inside the URL, where it could be less likely to be tampered with, and then this could possibly reduce the amount of URL choppings occuring, if all goes to plan, of course. When it comes to the referral URL, I prefer the use of user identifications, over the use of user's names, because some users may have those type of names, that just blatantly give it away, that it is a referral link, but that is just me, how ever. Although, you could give a user the opportunity to allow them to fully customize their very own referral link, summoning the power of choice in their very own hands, allowing them the choice of how effectively they decide to use this possible feature.

Messages In This Thread
This referral link is Stealth! - mudpies - 2008.Jun.27, 04:16 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Jun.27, 04:26 PM
[] - Dragon - 2008.Jul.03 10:40 AM
[] - McCule - 2008.Jul.03, 10:53 AM
[] - Dragon - 2008.Jul.06, 12:07 AM