Re:The little red box you click to jump to the newest post.
2008.Jul.01, 11:13 PM
Post: #6
mudpies Wrote:happens to me often.

and yes, we're clicking the red box. for me often times it takes me to my last post,or to the point that was new the last time I checked the thread.
BINGO. Thanks, Mud.

Messages In This Thread
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Jul.01, 02:31 PM
[] - lrrltt - 2008.Jul.01, 02:49 PM
[] - Casius - 2008.Jul.01, 04:45 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Jul.01, 04:49 PM
[] - McCule - 2008.Jul.01 11:13 PM