Userid: 2
- Fixed bug where items posted on the market by donators could not be purchased by other donators. One actual donation on file is required, not donator days.
- Fixed potential exploit with the career system. As usual we do not detail exploit fixed. Have completely built new web server and are currently stress-testing.
- Improved performance on the Jail Recorder page as well as increased the list to the 100 most frequent inmates attempted.
- Also added your own busts to the list (most players will see them on top of the list).
- Altered overall jail bust stats as some busts were counting as successful when they should have been failures.
- Further optimized the attack log pages.
- Removed the Ares Fightlogger and Ares FightRecorder links from the main menu.
- Replaced both with the Ares FightLog 2.0 with some more info.
- Improved performance of the Combat Bravery page in the Pantheon as well as increased it to the top 500.
- Fixed issue where clicking a user in the Bravery page resulting in an error.
- Fixed weapon list page in the library from showing incorrect skills.
- Improved the power-level formula to give more appropriate weight to cyberware as well as to include combat skills. Everyone will see a difference, and it should reflect actual power more effectively.
- Split the overall casino winner section in Pantheon into Slot Machine Winners and Roulette Winners.
- Improving performance of both sections while increasing the display to the top 100.
- Improved performance of the top addicted gamblers in the Pantheon and increased output to top 100.
- Added 3 defensive skills. All defensive skills are most effective against opponents who have invested skill study in combat skills. Evasion helps avoid being hit, armor handling helps utilize armor to it's max capabilities, and critical resistance helps reduce critical hit damage.
- Reconfigured the jail page top to show more information on your jail bust history as well as improved it's performance.
- Improved performance of the Pantheon Jail Minutes Saved page and the Jail Busts page and now list the top 500 for each.
- Added some more sections to the jail pantheon.
- Gang mail is now automatically removed from the system if it is older than 7 days each night at midnight.