Space Wrangler sponsored competition (thoughts)
2008.May.21, 09:42 PM
Post: #7
You should have brackets for sure... and actually should have different days for each bracket.... this way the small gangs can hit eachother and not get hit by the bigger gangs trying to win their own level comp... So All size gangs can hit all other sizes the day of their comp...

The biggest gangs would need to know who is competing, or not war the days the small and med gangs have their comp so they dont get run over by larger gangs while already in war, or preparing for a war.

Messages In This Thread
[] - w00k - 2008.May.21, 09:49 PM
[] - Punisher - 2008.May.21, 06:10 PM
[] - Conrad1103 - 2008.May.21, 06:12 PM
[] - bigchaz - 2008.May.21, 06:48 PM
[] - nbsvtvt - 2008.May.21, 07:55 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.May.21, 08:13 PM
[] - randomjacker - 2008.May.21 09:42 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.May.21, 09:47 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2008.May.21, 09:56 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.May.21, 09:58 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.May.21, 10:02 PM
[] - McCule - 2008.May.21, 10:08 PM
[] - Conrad1103 - 2008.May.22, 03:20 PM