Gang Wars
2006.Nov.12, 12:39 PM
Gang Wars
Post: #1
Gang wars seem to be a funny thing. A Gang declared war on us and 2 other gangs yesterday in which we were very successful, I guess too succesful. Now, what seems like every gang has declared war on us for defending ourselves. I guess I shouldn't bother longing on for a few days because I am about to get a permanent bed in the hospital. I am really not complaining. It's just a gang and it was fun attacking for a while. Not looking forward to being on the other end.

On another note, are we being attacked because the respect? If so, what good is the respect? I mean obviously there are 5 or 10 gangs stronger than us even though our respect is high (for maybe another hour).

I am looking to hire a hitman to take out around 30 members of other gangs if anyoen is interested. Pay sucks and its long hours. hehe lol

EDIT: Geez, I type this message go back and I have already been attacked by 2 people.

Messages In This Thread
Gang Wars - i8kevin - 2006.Nov.12 12:39 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2006.Nov.12, 01:00 PM
if i recall - Monk205 - 2006.Nov.12, 01:05 PM
[] - i8kevin - 2006.Nov.12, 01:08 PM
[] - Scipio - 2006.Nov.12, 01:15 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.12, 04:34 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2006.Nov.12, 04:43 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.12, 04:47 PM
[] - peajew - 2006.Nov.13, 04:38 AM
[] - Posieden - 2006.Nov.13, 11:04 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.14, 12:53 AM