Idea for the Pantheon of Infamy
2008.Apr.19, 08:56 PM
Idea for the Pantheon of Infamy
Post: #1
I like the Pantheon of Infamy a lot and I think it helps create competition in AL. An idea that in my opinion would make it a lot better would be to have a place where you can see all your rankings in one spot. This way you wouldn't have to search back and forth through all the different categories to check up on your rankings. Maybe I'm just really lazy but I think this would be a really cool idea.

Messages In This Thread
Idea for the Pantheon of Infamy - know1V - 2008.Apr.19 08:56 PM
[] - McCule - 2008.Apr.19, 09:54 PM
[] - Thor - 2008.Apr.20, 12:17 AM
[] - Loki - 2008.Apr.20, 12:22 AM
[] - bigchaz - 2008.Apr.20, 12:47 AM
[] - know1V - 2008.Apr.20, 04:06 AM
[] - SimonAnything - 2008.Apr.20, 08:23 AM