New crimes
2006.Nov.01, 08:49 AM
New crimes
Post: #1
from what I've heard no one in the game can consistently do any of the new crimes (please correct me if I am wrong). So this begs the question, why is a 23 point crime so much harder than a 21 or 22 point crime, and what kind of stats do you need to realistically switch to one of the new crimes. If anyone has any insight into this or if Zen wants to give us some hints, *nudge nudge*, then post away. I'm interested in learning as much as I can about the higher level crimes.

Messages In This Thread
New crimes - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.01 08:49 AM
[] - LuiIce - 2006.Nov.01, 11:35 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.01, 12:25 PM