Well, Err and I have gone over your suggestions and are hammering out some code for gang battles. Here are some nuggets of what will be in...
1.) Declaring a war activates gang-battles (basically no change here).
2.) Battles generate gang points depending on the power level of both combatants.
3.) Players attacking opponents who are a lot weaker than them earn no gang points. Players attacking and losing to stronger opponents lose no gang points. Please note this is not based on level, but our relative power level based on level, stats, items, etc.
4.) Winning an individual battle against a player in a gang with 0 gang points earns you 0 no matter how much should be earned. So basically if a gang has no gang points they aren't worth declaring a battle against.
5.) Players in a war/battle are fair game in combat no matter the hit point status to anyone they are at war with. However, you still need half or more of your health to initiate an attack on someone.
6.) Only "leave them" or "berserk" attacks generate gang points. However, since berserk attacks are generally stronger, it may adversely affect your gang point earnings for that attack.
7.) Defeated gangs (see below for what constitutes a defeat with battles) will have their hideout status set to 0.
Some things that still need to be decided....
1.) How are battles considered "over"? Any hideout that is defeated is already one way, but this only applies to wars, not battles. Is it a certain amount of gang points taken, time limit, or even attacks within a certain time frame?
2.) Should declaring gangs be required to have close to the amount of filled member slots as the defender? (Gangs can always declare on gangs larger than them.) For example, say a gang of 15 can only declare on a gang of 10 or more, while a gang of 5 can still declare on a gang of 20.
3.) What time-interval is needed (if any) between war/battle declarations on the same gang? Is hideout repair time long enough (since it will be set to 0).
4.) What consequences will the losers have? Are gang points enough of a consequence, or should they lose paid-for bonuses for a certain amount of time? Is repairing a hideout punishment enough?
Discuss. |