2006.Oct.12, 04:19 PM
Post: #2
I really like the idea. It doesnt have to end with attacking either. there could be some gang missions as well. maybe you could have a chance of getting something extra from an OC and when you collect ten of them you can sell them for cash or a gang upgrade or credits etc.

Messages In This Thread
missions? - peajew - 2006.Oct.12, 03:46 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Oct.12 04:19 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Oct.12, 10:15 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Oct.12, 11:05 PM
[] - ShadowDude - 2006.Oct.31, 08:18 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Oct.31, 10:06 PM
[] - ShadowDude - 2006.Oct.31, 11:23 PM
[] - peajew - 2006.Nov.01, 06:40 AM