Stats and housing
2008.Jan.11, 01:05 PM
Stats and housing
Post: #1
You know how the patheon of infamy shows who has the highest of each stat? It would be cool if instead of being able to just see the highest of each stat that you can see who has the highest of each levek range (maybe every 5 levels).. so i highest tats range from lvls 1-5 then another from 6-10 etc... would be interesting to see how I measure up in stats among other people my level range.

Also for housing would also be cool if you could click on someones name and see what kinda house they live in

Messages In This Thread
Stats and housing - Hiei008 - 2008.Jan.11 01:05 PM
[] - Dragon - 2008.Jan.11, 03:11 PM
[] - psheehan78 - 2008.Jan.11, 03:49 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2008.Jan.12, 09:50 PM