Gangs versus Armies
2007.Dec.14, 11:52 AM
Gangs versus Armies
Post: #1
Now that some of our gangs have increased dramatically in size, I think it would be a great idea to have the larger gangs called armies. No special features necessarily required but a little something would be cool. Simply replace the word gang with army in the tags and whatnot. Minimum membership of 20 required to switch from gang to army. Would further give incentives for smaller gangs to merge.

Messages In This Thread
Gangs versus Armies - dayute - 2007.Dec.14 11:52 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Dec.14, 11:55 AM
[] - dayute - 2007.Dec.14, 11:59 AM
[] - PropositionJoe - 2007.Dec.14, 12:00 PM
[] - BlackJeep - 2007.Dec.15, 12:42 PM