Al lotto
2022.Jul.15, 09:06 PM
RE: Al lotto
Post: #16
(2022.Jul.15 08:33 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote:  Sure, we can do that. I just tested positive for covid, so cavity is spotty for me. I'll still log on every day, but this variant of covid reminds me more of mono. I am constantly tired with a fever.
I just looked over the site has changed, and now charges for the same style random drawing now costs $5. Given $5 is about $1 million AL dollars, spending that on a 100 to 250k lottery seems a bit ass backwards.

They still have the ability for me to randomize a list by line, which will just have to be whichever line is first is the "winner". The major downside is I will have zero transparency. I used to be able to set the drawing to happen in the future, and anyone could look at it, ensuring no funny business as I could change nothing once I set up the drawing. Now I will have to either screen shot or screen record the drawing, and to be honest, there is nothing preventing me from doing drawings over and over until I get a result I desire.

So if I go through with this, it will be with the understanding that you all have to trust me to not be a shitbag.

No worries from my end. I have no issues. Just let me know when the lottery starts and I'll send over the cash.

Also, I hope you get to feeling better. COVID sucks.
This post was last modified: 2022.Jul.15 09:08 PM by TheManiac.

What's'a matter, kid? Don't ya' like clowns?

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