Combat Code
2017.Jul.24, 03:58 PM
Combat Code
Post: #1
The following post is for deaf ears and blind eyes only.

We all know the combat code is broken, specifically that skills have become overpowered. While skills are an important part of the game, the limited training hours every day means that older players will always have an advantage over the younger players. They should. However, at this point that advantage has become insurmountable. Stats no longer matter if an opposing player can 2-shot you using the butt of their gun. Here is my proposed solution, I believe it honors the time older players have dedicated while still allowing for a competitive environment.

Replace whatever it is that all combat skills do, and have them act like borgs. For example, I happen to be a rifle user; every level of rifle skill I have should give me +2 dex and +1 acc in combat--but only when I am on offense. Combat Evasion, Armor Handling, and Crit Resistance should award +1 dex (defense only), +2 res (regular hits only), & +2 res (crits only).

As for head-bopping and gun-clubbing (hearinafter second strike)...
These should be incorporated into the combat code w/o skills. After each successful weapon hit the player should have a 33% chance to strike again. After every unsuccessful weapon hit the player should have a 25% chance to strike again. The damage dealt should be a digital dice-roll and deal anywhere from 10-25% of your last damage dealt. If your last damage dealt was a 2K crit, you can second strike for 500; however, if your last damage dealt was a 300 second strike your damage tops out at 75.

So what about all my skills?
For every 1 level of head-bopping or gun-clubbing your chance of landing a second strike increases by 1%

Now I can sleep in peace
This post was last modified: 2017.Jul.24 03:58 PM by CrazyFoley.

2:28 pm icecoldchillin attacked you and lost. Delete
2:00 pm deadmanwalking attacked you and lost. Delete

Messages In This Thread
Combat Code - CrazyFoley - 2017.Jul.24 03:58 PM
RE: Combat Code - Weebay - 2017.Jul.26, 04:21 PM
RE: Combat Code - CrazyFoley - 2017.Jul.26, 04:45 PM
RE: Combat Code - Dreadwind - 2017.Oct.01, 11:01 AM
RE: Combat Code - backfromhell - 2017.Oct.01, 06:58 PM
RE: Combat Code - johnsonhalo76 - 2017.Jul.26, 06:34 PM