St. Patrick's Day and Easter consumables will be given out by April 21, 2017.
2017.Apr.21, 01:01 AM
RE: St. Patrick's Day and Easter consumables will be given out by April 21, 2017.
Post: #13
(2017.Apr.20 11:11 PM)TealJade Wrote:  I see the notice is gone and no results posted or items given out.
Color me not surprised.

It's only been about 12 or 13 years what's another at progress this fast in the game they have done so much for us oh wait yeah you heard me so much for us can't forget about the ever dieing fan base we have we should be blessed we still get comps for god sake. Wink

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RE: St. Patrick's Day and Easter consumables will be given out by April 21, 2017. - UNKAGED - 2017.Apr.21 01:01 AM