best crimes/ways for experience at low levels
2007.Dec.04, 10:44 PM
best crimes/ways for experience at low levels
Post: #1
Yeah, the subject sums it up.

Currently, at my level which is 4 now, I've found the two dice con gets me about three xp each time I play. and every other crime doesn't net much or anything at all. I was wondering what is the best way to level up when your at a low level.

Works nice too, the down side on it is that you only get 12 hours total.


Messages In This Thread
best crimes/ways for experience at low levels - alephNull - 2007.Dec.04 10:44 PM
[] - jovany - 2007.Dec.04, 10:59 PM
[] - Offline - 2007.Dec.04, 11:08 PM
[] - theghost83 - 2007.Dec.04, 11:29 PM
[] - alephNull - 2007.Dec.05, 12:10 AM
[] - filthymick - 2007.Dec.05, 12:15 AM
[] - Hostile85 - 2007.Dec.05, 02:38 AM
[] - Offline - 2007.Dec.05, 02:50 AM
[] - valleroy86 - 2007.Dec.07, 11:29 PM