Looking for hideouts for sale or trade
2014.Apr.10, 06:57 AM
RE: Looking for hideouts for sale or trade
Post: #31
Looks like some high retard is shakin' mad!! You do know everyone here has a point right? Prior to gaz joining u, u were all ok and u don't act high and mighty like u do now. After gaz and a few high levels joined(and left coz thats how bad ur gang is lol!) suddenly ur ego and pride went wayy up and u all started shit with other reputable gangs and claiming its a "just war". They all just joined coz of Mick's awesome charismatic influence and the death of 36th, not because of u. Know your place.

Still wondering how long did DMW took to compose his elaborate, emotionally wrecked "rebuttal". Must be hard with all those childish tears dripping down and ur immature hands quivering as you type. Cry don't worry, maybe I can sell my precious "old shell" for you to cheer up!!! It even has 2 free members!!! lol

KGB's reply is priceless as well, lol'ed hard on that. Glad to see this thread is bringing everyone together in AL! A good break from the monotonous "admin sucks, etc" threads.
This post was last modified: 2014.Apr.10 07:08 AM by strqaz.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for hideouts for sale or trade - strqaz - 2014.Apr.10 06:57 AM