Looking for hideouts for sale or trade
2014.Mar.26, 05:25 AM
RE: Looking for hideouts for sale or trade
Post: #9
(2014.Mar.25 04:45 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote:  I don't know why that bitch has to post in threads he has nothing to do with. He doesn't hideout for sale he is just a mouthy motherfucker who wants to be cared about. If he left DM his little Dick would shrink faster than his stay in the asylum hosp war that bitched him up. Band wagon jumping ass loudmouth.

Truest post I have ever seen, Tinkerbell is nothing with DM hahaha shit cunt.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for hideouts for sale or trade - Dreadwind - 2014.Mar.26 05:25 AM