Looking for hideouts for sale or trade
2014.Mar.21, 09:12 PM
Looking for hideouts for sale or trade
Post: #1
The Joint Chiefs are out of space. We are getting to the point where we are almost totally dedicated to upgrading our existing hideout. For the few of you with a hideout better than ours...


Whether you need money, credits, candies, borgs or want to breathe new life into your existing gang and carry on your gang's work under new ownership to make your character more competitive... we are looking for a new shell(s).

We would prefer one with 20 plus member slots. We also have a smaller shell we may want to upgrade if you want to take your remaining few members to a smaller hideout with something you can use to get stronger with.

Our resources are many, but not endless. If you are tired of trying and dealing with the day to day needs of your members, message me and I will see if there is something I can do to help you in exchange for your hideout of 16 member slots or more. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask!!!

Don't delay! Every million I sink into our hideout leaves less on the table for you and less reason to help you out.

Messages In This Thread
Looking for hideouts for sale or trade - deadmanwalking - 2014.Mar.21 09:12 PM