Wanted tib2 armor
2014.Feb.20, 11:31 PM
Wanted tib2 armor
Post: #1
If you are the one who has the armor for sale at market, (or know them) I will pay $800,000 with 5 candy canes. Message me in game.

Still looking for a suit of sic armor as well as m3t helmets. Cash, candy or trade.All reasonable offers considered.
Thread Closed

Messages In This Thread
Wanted tib2 armor - deadmanwalking - 2014.Feb.20 11:31 PM
RE: Wanted tib2 armor - strqaz - 2014.Feb.21, 07:22 AM
RE: Wanted tib2 armor - backfromhell - 2014.Apr.13, 10:15 PM
RE: Wanted tib2 armor - deadmanwalking - 2014.Apr.20, 01:43 AM