Gang Vault
2012.Jul.10, 02:43 PM
Gang Vault
Post: #1
Does the vault give any returns from interest?

We could

Create a new skill to be able to spend gang points to upgrade. So you could increase the percentage or start to try and build it into a profit .
This post was last modified: 2012.Jul.10 02:44 PM by NehrGodly.

The thing about smart mother fuckers is that sometimes, they sound like crazy mother fuckers to stupid mother fuckers - The Walking Dead, Comic # 72

Messages In This Thread
Gang Vault - NehrGodly - 2012.Jul.10 02:43 PM
RE: Gang Vault - spacebird - 2012.Jul.10, 03:18 PM
RE: Gang Vault - filthymick - 2012.Jul.10, 05:22 PM
RE: Gang Vault - jamiewhite - 2012.Jul.10, 03:32 PM