Longest gang page in AL history....??
2012.Jun.08, 10:36 AM
RE: Longest gang page in AL history....??
Post: #37
Hahahahahaha so which one is it Cober, am i not helping my members or am i stiming them all out..?

Ps i might have a peek at your gang page in a few days, i expect it to be even longer by then.

9:17 am BenderRodriguez attacked you and lost.
20.Feb.13 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

4488 SV pUn 69 16 Lost in an individual gang battle to Mac.
12.Oct.11 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Longest gang page in AL history....?? - Maccleod - 2012.Jun.08 10:36 AM