FS : Dicoate Titanium Odachi
2011.Dec.13, 06:05 AM
FS : Dicoate Titanium Odachi
Post: #1
Dicoate Titanium Odachi
Item Type Melee (Long-Bladed Melee)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 17
Concealment Rating 0
Weight (kilograms) 3.0 kg
Standard Price $550,000
Trade-in Value $137,500
A odachi is a two-handed Japanese sword similar in looks to a long katana with larger handle. The titanium-alloy blade coated in Dicoate makes this weapon extremely deadly in the right hands.

Item Requirements
Dexterity 23
Strength 23
Endurance 10

mail me with offers!

19.) You hit for 1195 points of damage. XXX resists 2 for a total of 1193 damage.

Messages In This Thread
FS : Dicoate Titanium Odachi - shadow55 - 2011.Dec.13 06:05 AM
RE: FS : Dicoate Titanium Odachi - shadow55 - 2011.Dec.19, 03:51 AM