What was the first Gang you were in?
2011.Jul.24, 09:59 AM
RE: What was the first Gang you were in?
Post: #19
(2011.Jul.24 08:52 AM)Joseph Wrote:  VLR

Viva La Resistance.... Ohm was the head of the big gang and there was 3 gangs all together . I was pres of a three member gang .Forget what it was called .Than i moved up to the big gang of VLR and took over when there was only 3 members left of a 12 member gang than joined the bad family naming the gang the bad ass beer store .Than we droped the Bad Ass and just became The Beer Store.. Burp!!!

So it wa VLR.. not ViR.. LOL!

"No intelligent idea can gain general acceptance unless some stupidity is mixed in with it." - Fernando Pessoa

Messages In This Thread
RE: What was the first Gang you were in? - JohnnyB - 2011.Jul.24 09:59 AM