The "To Do" List, version 3.0
2011.Jun.30, 10:42 AM
The "To Do" List, version 3.0
Post: #1
once again, i can no longer edit my "master list" on the front page of the original posting, so i'm going ahead and redoing this whole thing, complete with dates and whatnot. Please add ideas by posting or whatever you like, and if i missed something, please don't hesitate to inform me! this is by no means all-encompassing, and... it will never happen! but it feels good to try (or vent)

Remember, a lot of these things were provided by the community AND myself, so i'm not taking the credit for this list, only compiling it. here is where we left off:


Should Implement:

new school classes
new Career Skills
new skills
new combat system
new gang upgrades
new things to spend gang points on
a skills reset system
special crimes for manufacturers
new crimes
a system to remove unwanted cyberware for doctors
the ability to cyberware and electronics as well as creating drugs for scientists
military-specific equipment
the ability to build and repair armor for engineers
new items that require more stats not more end
Where is Moriarty's ladder system?

-Career reset system
-New options for spend credits
-Credit Transfer possibilities
-Automatic Stacking of "like" items (with the negligible option to "split" them)
-"Other" career possibilities (law enforcement, which could be used to reduce another player's ability to commit crimes)
-good "crimes" (we are all bad guys... but we all have legitimate career opportunities including medical and military... i'm soooooo lost)
-improved jail gym (lose less happiness or "gain" happiness as a possibility to counter for the terrible gym gains)
-Add in a "note" when sending cash and items so people dont go zomg why are u sending me X item?



-Actually give prizes for the contests (that are probably simply held to make us "forget" that stuff hasn't changed, and may very well be automated)
-EXP daily tracking
-More usable items (possibly from crimes)
-Character quests (with some rewards)
-Profile award buttons/tags for milestones we have hit in AL
-Medical being able to "bust" others out of the hospital
-Increase the minimum sale price of armor and weapons (at LEAST 50% of the purchase cost, preferably 66%)
-Add some balance to the weapons. In many cases, these "wild" criticals from other weapons (like pistols) outweigh the "consistent" dmg of shotguns, for example



-Skills that affect hospitalization times
-Skills that increase money from crimes and crime success
-skills that increase the effectiveness of career abilities and career point gain or even career point conversion
-Adjust the donator-time for new players based on feedback. one week of donator status may be more appropriate


- Careers, such as military and engineering, should be able to upgrade and create items. For example, engineering should be able to improve the protection of certain armor and helmets, and can create/upgrade temporary one-use items, such as a landmine (defense only) or a grenade (offense only), which do large amounts of damage (50% chance to hit, 25% chance that a hit deals full damage, which should be 25% of the targets total HP). military, on the other hand, should be able to create military-only items (whether or not you need a military career to use them is debatable) such as certain assault and sniper rifles, or automatic shotguns. then they could further upgrade these items using career points, as well as upgrade pre-existing weaponry.
i'm thinking military would NOT upgrade melee weaponry, as most militaries dont invest a lot into melee weaponry anymore. this instead could be the role of a construction career or a scientist, or even another role for engineers.
-when in hospital/jail, your hosp/jail time should be listed at the top of the screen, in addition to seeing you listed amongst the ranks
-possibly add a "courier" item that can buy a limited amount of items from other districts (stims/healing items only, can only go to/from downtown)
- i call for a revamp of the jail-busting AP cost. i think it should be 20 AP per jail bust, regardless of player. certain careers should be able to reduce the AP cost of your jailbusting as a PASSIVE ABILITY (also, i want careers to, at certain intervals, have PASSIVE bonuses that are earned by getting that far in a career. right now they are worthless). self-busting should always be 50% of your total energy.
- Scientist could use career points to repair broken DeMags (among other things), and provide a temporary boost the the effectiveness of stuff such as Hideout Turrets (even though i think wars are pointless)

more to come, ideas are welcome
This post was last modified: 2011.Jun.30 10:58 AM by abysmalpoptart.

You attacked and hit for 761 damage against their hideout! Too bad nobody cares!

Messages In This Thread
The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - abysmalpoptart - 2011.Jun.30 10:42 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 10:48 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 10:50 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 10:59 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 11:11 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 03:14 PM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 10:40 PM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 11:22 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Batman - 2011.Jun.30, 11:25 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jun.30, 11:40 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Monk - 2011.Jul.01, 11:35 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - JohnnyB - 2011.Jul.23, 01:55 PM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Batman - 2011.Jul.23, 11:04 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Dingus - 2011.Aug.04, 08:39 AM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Dingus - 2011.Aug.04, 12:43 PM
RE: The "To Do" List, version 3.0 - Dingus - 2011.Aug.04, 12:48 PM