if zenith isnt going to add anything new
2011.Jun.11, 05:31 PM
RE: if zenith isnt going to add anything new
Post: #27
bacon, working on stuff doesn't mean copy/pasting one line of code and changing a few things, namely the name of the crime, the risk of it, and the money seed value. Considering how simple that is to do though, zen has truley abandoned us.

I'm just wondering how many people here would start playing a new game if they couldn't have their old character (and no, I'm not taling about some crappy Yoda version of the game).

Help CrunchyBlack Here!!!!

Smoke dis, smoke dat, smoke weed, smoke crack
Everybody gettin' high, high off they fuckin' sac

Messages In This Thread
RE: if zenith isnt going to add anything new - emocakes - 2011.Jun.11 05:31 PM