As we all know...XP is messed up
2011.May.15, 11:00 AM
RE: As we all know...XP is messed up
Post: #24
(2011.May.15 09:25 AM)Accipender Wrote:  
(2011.May.14 05:33 PM)jamiewhite Wrote:  in lvl 40 district I get 450+ exp off mace , chris, preditor,and happyholidaysbbh but crap off kain but thecourior is crap exp 400 off a lvl 52 cheers

Probably has something to do with being armorless, beltless, helmetless, and wielding an electric axe...

yadda yadda....Even Glenn can beat you...Winky and he have The Weakest 50th level Crown...

Btw...after long hours me, Cober and Hunter realize...we have a new winner...

Cisserro [36190] is now The Weakest 40th level in the Game...he have The Crown...we will change the leader when he can beat an active level 40 in the game, till then he is the winner.

He is back....

Messages In This Thread
As we all know...XP is messed up - Joshiwa - 2011.May.14, 03:54 PM
RE: As we all know...XP is messed up - Batman - 2011.May.15 11:00 AM
RE: As we all know...XP is messed up - Monk - 2011.May.15, 08:52 AM