Gang Hitpoints problem
2007.Sep.10, 08:33 PM
Post: #2
Yes I noticed it, if you have less left to repair than what it gets every 5, it doesn't repair at all.

Messages In This Thread
Gang Hitpoints problem - syntheticdarkness - 2007.Sep.10, 07:28 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Sep.10 08:33 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Sep.10, 08:36 PM
[] - FaceOwner - 2007.Sep.10, 09:39 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Sep.10, 10:17 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Sep.10, 10:17 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Sep.10, 10:21 PM
[] - valleroy86 - 2007.Sep.11, 07:18 PM
[] - syntheticdarkness - 2007.Sep.11, 11:31 PM
[] - derek2752 - 2007.Sep.12, 04:05 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Sep.12, 08:45 PM