Poll: who is the worthy recipient of the golden asshole award 2011?
This poll is closed.
Tommi 22.22% 12 22.22%
Monk 12.96% 7 12.96%
Brugada 5.56% 3 5.56%
SuperDave 3.70% 2 3.70%
UncleDave 1.85% 1 1.85%
GlennQuagmire 16.67% 9 16.67%
Lucky 5.56% 3 5.56%
CutUrGut 1.85% 1 1.85%
Dingus 24.07% 13 24.07%
Kush 5.56% 3 5.56%
Total 54 votes 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

vote now for golden asshole award 2011
2011.Apr.19, 04:44 PM
vote now for golden asshole award 2011
Post: #1
the official zen sanctioned award. one vote and hidden.
did you vote for yourself kush? haha i like it.
This post was last modified: 2011.Apr.19 04:54 PM by GlennQuagmire.

give her the bowling ball grip, two in the pink and one in the stink.

all cats are grey in the dark.
Thread Closed

Messages In This Thread
vote now for golden asshole award 2011 - GlennQuagmire - 2011.Apr.19 04:44 PM