Job Jumping Buffer
2007.Sep.09, 06:08 PM
Job Jumping Buffer
Post: #1
It's an idea that alot of people would not like but about a job hopping buffer? I mean, a 24-48 hour time period after you got fired or quit a job, you would not be able to jump to another one. The pacing of the game is faster now than it ever has been; not that I have observed or would actually know.

A four point per job point (job dependent of course) is WAY over powered with a bonus to attack (correct me if I over generalized this point). That and/or some of the jobs should get a point pick up bonus or tinkered, e.g. the Manufacturing career.

I'd like to hear some opinions on this.

Killer1994 also respond, your grammar/typing makes me feel better about going to school lol (just teasing!)

Messages In This Thread
Job Jumping Buffer - SimonAnything - 2007.Sep.09 06:08 PM
[] - Howlsong - 2007.Sep.09, 06:19 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2007.Sep.09, 06:51 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Sep.09, 07:38 PM