(2011.Feb.16 02:07 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: What I think would be more interesting is who are you busting the most? Aside from yourself who are the top 3 people you have busted? I'll post mine first (if you don't know where to go it is in your jail recorder).
Player Busted Attempts Record Minutes Saved Best Bust EXP Earned
nughuffer 148 88 - 44 - 16 11,491 445 4,471
spacebird 134 73 - 46 - 15 8,946 480 3,727
Bacon 130 79 - 43 - 8 9,656 376 3,655
Conrad 960 559 - 343 - 58 75,385 311 28,187
spacebird 228 134 - 77 - 17 21,321 578 10,837
nughuffer 188 106 - 67 - 15 13,309 528 5,558
WDK 172 102 - 54 - 16 14,074 639 10,250
id still like to see a log of who has busted me out of jail the most. i find that even more interesting than a log of who I have busted.