Hey spike since you blocked me ill post here
2011.Feb.03, 03:03 PM
RE: Hey spike since you blocked me ill post here
Post: #82
What Glenn doesn't understand is that it takes just as much faith to believe in science as it does to believe in God. God can't be proven or disproven by science. The goal of science is to find a natural answer to all the observations we make in the world. God being supernatural is never a consideration of science then. The evolution theory is just that...a theory. It has not been proven as fact. To concoct that we as a species spawned from a mass of goo can be called just as silly as believing we were creating by intelligent design. Also to assume that something came from nothing (the big bang theory) I think is more ridiculous than believing in God.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey spike since you blocked me ill post here - Joshiwa - 2011.Feb.03 03:03 PM