Hey spike since you blocked me ill post here
2011.Jan.31, 05:01 AM
RE: Hey spike since you blocked me ill post here
Post: #29
(2011.Jan.31 12:46 AM)Druchii Wrote:  Actually there's lots of ways to communicate dislike, and every single way can be done without cursing.

First, some rules of managing to make an insult that stings.

1: Do a spellcheck. You don't want to seem dumber then the person you are trying to insult.

2: Calm down on cursing, rather try to colorful language and then use a curse or two to exclamate your point. F.ex: "Hey man you just as cool as a 340 pound siamese twin brothers dressed up in purple tights trying to double dip in a trannys ass."

The curseword "ass" wasn't the main event of that sentence but it exclamated the point.

3: Try to be funny, this might baffle you, but insults can and should be funny. Just to let us other people in on the laugh.

4: Be brave, try an artistic representation of your anger. Write down your thoughts in either a limerick, a song or a poem.


But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey spike since you blocked me ill post here - Mock8800 - 2011.Jan.31 05:01 AM