The most active player ever..??
2011.Jan.08, 07:02 PM
RE: The most active player ever..??
Post: #35
Opponent(s) Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
BurnemCredsMclown Hosp Win 9 9 2,932 118 476 913
BurnemCredsMclown Zerk Win 14 12 3,214 1,436 710 372
BurnemCredsMclown Zerk Win 15 11 3,623 1,192 584 1249
BurnemCredsMclown Zerk Win 20 11 2,895 1,669 1,012 318
BurnemCredsMclown Zerk Win 13 10 2,679 1,379 648 354
BurnemCredsMclown Mug Win 12 11 2,787 1,032 870 370
BurnemCredsMclown Hosp Win 6 5 2,500 0 0 1182
BurnemCredsMclown Hosp Win 6 6 2,480 152 352 1225

My defence logs for the past 2 days, he does try but like everything in his life he fails badly..Razz

9:17 am BenderRodriguez attacked you and lost.
20.Feb.13 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

4488 SV pUn 69 16 Lost in an individual gang battle to Mac.
12.Oct.11 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

Messages In This Thread
The most active player ever..?? - Maccleod - 2011.Jan.07, 05:00 AM
RE: The most active player ever..?? - Maccleod - 2011.Jan.08 07:02 PM