The most active player ever..??
2011.Jan.08, 05:28 PM
RE: The most active player ever..??
Post: #32
Wow, ive never seen an active player take so many attacks..

Top 50 Most Attacked Players (Last 24 Hours)

Rank User Attacked
1 OnAMissionForGod 121
2 Yoda 25
3 GhostRider 21
4 Alumina 20
5 SilverSurfer 19
6 The499er MudPies 19


9:17 am BenderRodriguez attacked you and lost.
20.Feb.13 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

4488 SV pUn 69 16 Lost in an individual gang battle to Mac.
12.Oct.11 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

Messages In This Thread
The most active player ever..?? - Maccleod - 2011.Jan.07, 05:00 AM
RE: The most active player ever..?? - Maccleod - 2011.Jan.08 05:28 PM