The most active player ever..??
2011.Jan.07, 05:37 PM
RE: The most active player ever..??
Post: #28
(2011.Jan.07 04:23 PM)Mock8800 Wrote:  
(2011.Jan.07 04:00 PM)bconrad56 Wrote:  
(2011.Jan.07 12:59 PM)MrJones Wrote:  
(2011.Jan.07 12:17 PM)bconrad56 Wrote:  If that's the case, that doesn't necessarily have to do with donating.

He's 17th for Endurance on the POI. You don't get there by just criming and buying credits off the market.

Not overly fussed how much or little has been donated but it would be safe to assume that it's a fairly decent chunk of change.

Rafal is 25th in End and he hasn't donated more than $5 to my knowledge.

Raf also is the highest level player, been playing loads longer, and 1st in the highest career conversation rating for endurance.

I've talked with Raf about Athletics cause I'm in it too. For a long while I had the #2 spot in it and I asked him if the points at his career lvl made an impact on End. He laughed and said Athletics is the worst career out there and he would of picked something else if he could take it back. Athletics is a sucky career. I started using my points for stat conversions lately and lost my #2 spot, but who cares about being second or third in the worst career out there?

So I don't think his career has had so terribly much to do with his End.

Messages In This Thread
The most active player ever..?? - Maccleod - 2011.Jan.07, 05:00 AM
RE: The most active player ever..?? - Joshiwa - 2011.Jan.07 05:37 PM