The most active player ever..??
2011.Jan.07, 06:40 AM
RE: The most active player ever..??
Post: #4
(2011.Jan.07 05:00 AM)Maccleod Wrote:  Has got to be OnAMissionForGod [20242] or Bez as he's known. The longest this guy has been off line for is a little over 3 hours in last 48 hours. I'm just wondering if this is possible for 1 person...?? Also for how long has this kind of activity been going on..?
Oh and my final question, with activity like his whys he such a weak ass pussy..?

maybe he doesnt donate his childrens college fund towards this game, shame on him. Rolleyes


Messages In This Thread
The most active player ever..?? - Maccleod - 2011.Jan.07, 05:00 AM
RE: The most active player ever..?? - JagerBomb - 2011.Jan.07 06:40 AM