Feeling broke? Come to Midlan!
2010.Aug.01, 06:08 PM
Feeling broke? Come to Midlan!
Post: #1
Soon i'm going to start attacking ppl online... the lucky S.O.B. that actually lvls me up to 62 will get a nice surprise sent to them =)

Must be lvl 33 and up!
This post was last modified: 2010.Aug.01 06:12 PM by Howl.

Using your Riot Axe you hit for 4724 points of damage. XXX resists 102 for a total of 4622 damage.

steve says
steve says
you sure got some big chesticles, howl

Messages In This Thread
Feeling broke? Come to Midlan! - Howl - 2010.Aug.01 06:08 PM
RE: Feeling broke? Come to Midlan! - Howl - 2010.Aug.01, 06:30 PM
RE: Feeling broke? Come to Midlan! - Howl - 2010.Aug.01, 06:32 PM
RE: Feeling broke? Come to Midlan! - Face83 - 2010.Aug.02, 10:22 PM