wtf pART dUEX
2010.Jul.26, 09:56 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX
Post: #3
(2010.Jul.26 08:06 AM)Dingus Wrote:  Brugada Leave Win 13 11 3,119 158 350 831
Multiple Players Leave Loss 14 6 1,323 3,301 769 299

Looks like this helps explain it somewhat. kinda low EXP for beating 3 people. i didnt even think to check the log until i saw your thread...

Ares FightLog 3.0.1
Attack Type Leave
Total Combatants 4
Attack Result Win
Initial Hit Points 100%
Total Combat Rounds 14
Experience Points Earned 363.0
Attack Time Jul 25 2010 - 10:18:08 pm
Last Action Jul 25 2010 - 10:18:07 pm
Encumbrance Rate 0.531
Weapon Used G-Force 420 Metal Storm
Armor Used 2M Power Armor T3
Helmet Used 2M Assault Helmet - T3
Ranged Bonus No
Defense Bonus No
Hits 13 (92.9%)
Damage Dealt 4070 (313.1)
Damage Resisted 503 (38.7)
Best Hit 1296
Hits from Opponent(s) 6 (42.9%)
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 1323 (220.5)
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 769 (128.2)
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 299

Below are all opponents involved in the battle.

Attack Result Win
Opponent's Level 41
Initial Hit Points 98%
Experience Points Earned 312.0
Last Action Time Jul 25 2010 - 10:18:08 pm
Weapon Used Melee
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 7
Damage Dealt 1767
Damage Resisted 322
Best Hit 309
Hits from Opponent(s) 6
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 328
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 194
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 104

Attack Result Loss
Opponent's Level 42
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned -18.2
Last Action Time Jul 25 2010 - 8:42:57 pm
Weapon Used Ranged
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 6
Damage Dealt 1323
Damage Resisted 769
Best Hit 299
Hits from Opponent(s) 13
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 4070
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 503
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 1296
Hospital Minutes 20

Attack Result Loss
Opponent's Level 30
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned -15.6
Last Action Time Aug 12 2009 - 8:24:44 pm
Weapon Used Melee
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 6
Damage Dealt 328
Damage Resisted 194
Best Hit 104
Hits from Opponent(s) 7
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 1767
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 322
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 309
Hospital Minutes 24


EDIT - im even more confused now.
This post was last modified: 2010.Jul.26 09:58 AM by Conrad1103.

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.

Messages In This Thread
wtf pART dUEX - Dingus - 2010.Jul.26, 08:06 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX - peteycrack - 2010.Jul.26, 08:59 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX - Conrad1103 - 2010.Jul.26 09:56 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX - Brugada - 2010.Jul.26, 09:58 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX - Dingus - 2010.Jul.26, 10:01 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX - Conrad1103 - 2010.Jul.26, 10:03 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX - Dingus - 2010.Jul.26, 10:31 AM
RE: wtf pART dUEX - Conrad1103 - 2010.Jul.26, 11:44 AM