Most XP from a single bust ever???
2010.Jul.22, 06:42 AM
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever???
Post: #27
I know when I was trying to figure out a formula for it, I kept fairly detailed logs. I gave up because I didn't care enough to keep trying.

However, I can tell you that I got the exact same XP for the same minutes, regardless of my level.

i.e. a 100 minute bust gives the same XP for everyone, regardless of level, etc.

And I agree with Poptart and Onward. More minutes always equals more XP. The difference in XP is so small below 300 minutes that sometimes it doesn't appear this way because the number gets rounded off. So you might get 8xp for a 30 minute bust and 8.1xp for a 31 minute bust, which will look like 8xp when you get it.

I will also agree that the increase per minute ramps up very quickly once you get into the higher minute busts.

I checked this over about a 20 level spread.

Edit: Maybe I'm not agreeing with Poptart as his previous post doesn't match what I posted.

Oh well, time to compare busts to my logs again.
This post was last modified: 2010.Jul.22 06:52 AM by snorkelbill.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever??? - ShadowKid - 2010.Jul.21, 06:43 PM
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever??? - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2010.Jul.21, 07:58 PM
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever??? - DirkDanja - 2010.Jul.21, 04:49 PM
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever??? - DirkDanja - 2010.Jul.21, 04:56 PM
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever??? - americanpsycho - 2010.Jul.21, 09:04 PM
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever??? - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2010.Jul.21, 11:25 PM
RE: Most XP from a single bust ever??? - snorkelbill - 2010.Jul.22 06:42 AM