Training Tips from Seven Laws!
2010.Jul.01, 09:04 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws!
Post: #18
(2010.Jul.01 08:12 PM)Thor Wrote:  Here, add to your maths that ~600 dev point added to endurance with 1000 happiness means 2 more dev points for a full train at level 54.

And 500 dev into endurance with 1150 happines is about the same, you do the rest.

Actually I have a rough equation that seems to work pretty well, a 100 point happiness increase is equivalent to a 3700 point increase in Endurance.

Messages In This Thread
Training Tips from Seven Laws! - ZeonOne - 2008.Sep.08, 10:36 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - w00k - 2010.Mar.04, 06:31 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - Batman - 2010.Mar.18, 05:02 AM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - Thor - 2010.Jul.01, 08:12 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - fngMalvos - 2010.Jul.01 09:04 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - Thor - 2010.Jul.01, 09:22 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - jgrea4 - 2010.Oct.08, 09:04 PM
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