Attack Logs
2010.May.15, 04:12 AM
Attack Logs
Post: #1
I think most agree that the new logs aren't exactly brilliant... I'm getting bugged by the layout and the random bits of information that are of no use...

I really don't care about being told my encumbrance rate or spelling out which items I have equipped (I already know) and I find it really annoying that it's so hard to figure out hits for and against.

I had a quick mess around to slim it down to the key things people want to know - not a brilliant picture. And yes strangely enough I get my ass kicked by Howl

[Image: defencelogs.jpg]

One of the things I've been unable to do is a multiplayer fight as I don't have those logs any more... This makes it trickier to do but you should just have a summary of you vs all opponents in the first table and then breakdown tables below that for each pvp in the overall fight....

I know it won't be what everybody wants but I've got the feeling unless we start suggesting stuff to Zen it won't be changing any time soon...

Messages In This Thread
Attack Logs - MrJones - 2010.May.15 04:12 AM
RE: Attack Logs - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2010.May.15, 08:36 AM
RE: Attack Logs - Leopard - 2010.May.15, 08:45 AM
RE: Attack Logs - RenegadeJEDI - 2010.May.15, 09:03 AM